Swim With Whales (2024): Everything You Need to Know

Mother humpback whale with her calve in crystal-clear waters of Rurutu, French Polynesia. Photo: Matt Reichel

Swimming with whales is an emotional and life-changing experience that, when done responsibly, supports whale conservation and fosters a deep connection to these sentient animals. This awe-inspiring activity requires strong swimming skills and careful consideration of regulations to ensure the safety and comfort of the whales. For many, it's a lifelong dream, but careful research is crucial to ensure the best experience and the whales' safety. In this guide, I will share with you my personal experience and knowledge so you can stay safe, be well-equipped, and choose the best destination to experience the magic of swimming with these magnificent marine mammals.

Is It Safe?

Despite their gentleness, swimming with whales requires precautions. Licensed operators ensure safe experiences by adhering to regulations, such as limiting group sizes to three people and maintaining a respectful distance. 

These rules help minimize overcrowding, reduce disturbances, and allow for better interaction control. Considering the massive size of adult whales, one mishap could be disastrous for both humans and whales.

Whales are highly aware of their surroundings and exercise great control over their movements. With proper guidance, swimming with them can be a safe and rewarding adventure. 

Here are some key points to remember:

  • Let the whales control the interaction.

  • Don’t touch the whales.

  • Never swim at whales, especially moms and calves; instead, swim with them.

  • Avoid the tail.

  • Make sure you are a strong open-water swimmer before jumping into the ocean.

  • Only dive if the whales are already settled and interacting with you.

  • Always listen to your guide and captain.

Find out more detailed information on how to swim safely with whales.

Immersing in the Wild. Rurutu, French Polynesia.

Best Places Where to Swim With Whales

Thanks to my six years of experience, I have narrowed down the list of the best places where to swim with whales to only four:


Dominica in the Caribbean is renowned as the top destination for swimming with sperm whales due to its resident population of over 200 whales, including year-round females and calves. The whales here are notably social and accustomed to human presence, allowing for exceptional interactions. Dominica's crystal-clear waters provide excellent visibility for observing and photographing these magnificent creatures. Licensed operators with over 21 years of experience ensure safe and responsible encounters. Additionally, choosing Dominica supports local conservation efforts, as many operators contribute to whale research and habitat protection initiatives.

The season for swimming with sperm whales in Dominica typically runs from November to May. Water temperatures range from approximately 78°F to 82°F (26°C to 28°C), providing comfortable conditions for whale encounters. During this period, whale sightings have a higher frequency, although encounters can happen year-round.

Learn more about sperm whales and why I prefer Dominica over other locations like Sri Lanka or Europe.

Sperm whales pod passing by in Dominica.

Want to Swim Sperm Whales?

French Polynesia

Swimming with whales in French Polynesia is exceptional due to its rich marine life, particularly humpback whales, which migrate to the region annually. Two great places to consider are Rurutu and Mo'orea. The crystal-clear waters provide excellent visibility for encounters and photography. I hope operators prioritize responsible tourism more, minimizing disturbance to whales and their habitat, especially in Mo’orea. Cultural immersion opportunities and stunning scenery add to the appeal of the experience, making it truly unforgettable.

The whale swimming season in French Polynesia typically runs from July to October, coinciding with the winter months in the Southern Hemisphere when humpback whales migrate to the region to breed and calve. During this time, water temperatures range from approximately 76°F to 82°F (24°C to 28°C).

Capturing awe-inspiring moments in Rurutu, French Polynesia.


A very popular option is to swim with whales in Tonga. Due to the abundant whale population during their breeding season, Tonga offers unparalleled opportunities to have direct, up-close encounters with these majestic creatures in their natural habitat, witnessing spectacular displays such as breaching, singing, and playing in Tonga's crystal-clear waters. Tonga promotes responsible whale watching, ensuring minimal disturbance to the whales and their environment. Additionally, you can experience Tonga's rich Polynesian culture and hospitality during your stay, adding depth to the overall experience.

The season for swimming with whales in Tonga typically runs from July to November, coinciding with the Southern Hemisphere winter when humpback whales migrate to the region to breed and calve. During this time, water temperatures range from approximately 73°F to 79°F (23°C to 26°C).

Check out the full comparison of Tonga and French Polynesia and why I prefer Rurutu.

Magical humpbacks. Tonga.

Looking to Swim With Humpbacks?

Sea Of Cortez

The Sea of Cortez is home to a diverse range of marine life, including orcas, also known as killer whales. This region's rich biodiversity creates a unique habitat for these apex predators. And, of course, you get stunning natural beauty, with rugged coastlines, crystal-clear waters, and picturesque islands providing a breathtaking backdrop. Generally, swimming with orcas is not allowed. However, there are opportunities for whale watching and observing them from boats. These tours are conducted by licensed operators who follow strict guidelines to minimize animal disturbance.

But if you’re really interested in swimming with orcas, Norway is the place to go. It's the only destination where in-water interactions with orcas are allowed. Remember, though, that the water temperatures are quite chilly, ranging from 4-6°C (39-42°F) during the season, which runs from October to mid-January.

The Sea of Cortez is also home to mobulas, known as devil rays. These graceful creatures are closely related to manta rays and are known for their acrobatic jumps and impressive aerial displays. Swimming with mobulas can be a thrilling experience, as they often gather in large schools near the water's surface, making for spectacular sightings and underwater encounters.

The season for watching orcas and swimming with mobulas in the Sea of Cortez typically runs from November to May. During this time, water temperatures range from approximately 68°F to 82°F (20°C to 28°C).

Plunging into the magnificent pod of mobulas in the Sea of Cortez.

Interested in Swimming With Mobulas?

Can You Swim With Whales?

You can swim with whales, but it's important to understand that this activity is tightly regulated and only permitted with certain whale species under strict conditions. Here are some key details to keep in mind:

  • Physical Requirements— all participants should be able to swim for at least 200 meters at a time unaided in open water (with fins) before needing to return to the boat. 

  • SCUBA— you do not need to be a certified diver or freediver to participate in this program.

  • Permits— special permission is needed, but individuals cannot apply for this permit directly. Instead, you must go through a tour operator licensed by the government. These operators are granted specific permits that allow them to conduct swimming and snorkeling tours safely.

  • Insurance— while insurance is not required to be able to participate in this trip, I do recommend it for a variety of reasons— health and safety while overseas, sudden or last-minute change in your travel plans, or missing/delayed gear/luggage. In my opinion, it is better to stick to bigger reputable providers, such as Amex and Allianz, as their claims filing process is uncomplicated, and reimbursements are fast.

  • Age Restriction— typically, the minimum age for such activities ranges from 8 to 12 years old, but it can differ based on the specific regulations and safety policies of the region and the tour provider.

Packing List

I recommend checking out my detailed ultimate gear and packing guide for swimming with whales, but here are a few essential items to remember:

  • Mask, Snorkel, and Fins— it's best to bring your own gear that fits well to avoid discomfort with rented equipment.

  • Anti-fog Drops or Baby Shampoo— these are essential for keeping your mask clear.

  • Sun Protection— pack sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses to protect yourself from the sun while on the water.

  • Waterproof Camera— capture the incredible experience by bringing a waterproof camera.

  • Positive Attitude— approach the encounter with respect for the whales and their environment, maintaining a positive and responsible attitude.

Hola! ;)

Conservation Traveling

Did you know that you can contribute to whale conservation just by traveling? By choosing eco-friendly and conservation-focused whale swimming tours, you support sustainable tourism practices that protect whale populations and their habitats. This involves following strict guidelines to minimize disturbance, selecting licensed operators that adhere to conservation standards, and using eco-friendly products. By adhering to these principles, your travel can help conserve these magnificent creatures and their environments.


  • While not inherently dangerous, the risks associated with swimming with whales stem primarily from their size, strength, and unpredictability. That’s why you always need to listen to your guide and captain.

  • Ultimately, the ethics of swimming with whales hinge on whether the activity is conducted in a way that prioritizes the welfare of the whales and contributes positively to conservation efforts, rather than merely serving as entertainment at the expense of the animals. That’s why I always recommend selecting operators who adhere to strict ethical guidelines, regulations, and best practices for wildlife interactions.

  • Personally I swim with humpbacks and sperm whales. But you can also swim with blue whales and minke whales.


Diving with whales offers unparalleled opportunities for awe-inspiring encounters. Each destination has a unique allure, promising unforgettable experiences that deepen our appreciation for marine life. However, embarking on such adventures requires caution, with safety protocols and expert guidance essential. Embrace the journey with an open heart and a spirit of adventure, knowing each moment holds transformative potential. Share your thoughts and questions with us in the comments—I am here to assist you on your journey.

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